' Rose Covered Cottage '
By Rose Mary Mckenzie

A little rose covered cottage
That was so long ago
Setting by the sea
Come along,take this journey with me

In my child hood
I was so full of glee
Life was simple
And so carefree
Come along, take this journey with me

I think back to this cottage
With fondness and love
Running along the pathway
As a child does by the sea
Come along, take this journey with me

It was a magical time
There with my family
We ran to the waves
What fun filled days By the sea
Come along, take this journey with me

Endless days of sunshine
Where gulls fly through the air
As children, we didn't have a care
We looked at the worlds wonderment
But as it goes, we left childhood behind
By the sea
Come along, take this journey with me

All to quickly childhood ends
We find new loves, and new friends
Life is more serious now
I wish I could go back somehow
By the sea
Come along, take this journey with me

I am a Grandma now
I take my grand children with me
To that little rose covered cottage
By the beautiful sea
Come along, take this journey with me

I dream about my young days
Catching butterflies, and playing in the waves
How I would love to go again
To that childhood fun
Playing in the ocean and soaking up the sun
Splashing in sea
Come along, take this journey with me

I will dream of that time so long ago
Where youthful heart soars
I left my heart there, by the sea
In that little rose covered cottage
Thank you for coming along
And taking my journey with me.


' Rose Covered Cottage ' By Rose Mary Mckenzie
Copyright ©Rose Mary Mckenzie
All Rights Reserved.

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