‘ Blue Moon ‘
by Thaddeus Hutyra

The dark horse is counting stars
a cock squawks trying to clear skies
cats are having party night
dogs are howling for no reason
What made them all to behave strange
the music from under the nearby tree?

My love, my heart, my only heart
you are tsunami, the tsunami of our hearts
Let it go, let it flood us, I don’t care
underwater we are even safer
in the underwater of our love, of our hearts!

O' the devil in I, your sweet devil, my heart
O' California night and the blue Moon
there we are, my dear sweetheart
there where the nightingale sings 
to the tunes of overwhelming, rhythmic music 
we are dancing to, we, adult kids in the dark.

There where the oceans 
meet the moonshine sky
with symphony of the blue Moon
there you are, there in my heart, O' lover!

Don’t say sorry, they all are our satellites
no harm can happen at all
Love yourself as you love me
never ask what do I mean 
as I never ask what do you mean
Our hearts mean it all, my love!

I am not a machine nor you are
we are two soulful beings in love
you, my wildest dreams that came true
one I am not gonna lose, not at all 
See, I am untravelled road as yet
enjoy me, your devil in I, O' my heart!

You are my bonfire heart, one I desire
chains are not my life anymore nor red lights
for I do have you, my angel
the crimson phoenix that descended
in the fullness of California night
under the incandescent blue Moon!

There where the oceans 
meet the moonshine sky
with symphony of the blue Moon
there you are, there in my heart, O' lover!

Watch me, my love, watch me, O' watch me
I’ll show you the magics of me
striptease first then foreplay endearment
before we’ll engage in all blown love
But for now, my heart, just a bit of dance
sensual one, all touches and kisses allowed
I must make you hot, hottest ever, my heart.

Here you are, my goddess, here you are
under the California night and blue Moon
I think I’ll die a happy man
never ever regretting what we had
The feeling is good for you, O' lover
good for me, mark my words !

The Lord is the enthralling photographer
a magician and a cheerleader
No pressure at all but a dance
of two deeply affected hearts in love
you and me, forever you and me
O' count, dark horse, count the stars 
let the song of love fly 
across the Universe!

There where the oceans 
meet the moonshine sky
with symphony of the blue Moon
there you are, there in my heart, O' lover!

‘ Blue Moon ‘ by Thaddeus Hutyra 
© Thaddeus Hutyra November, 2015
All Rights Reserved

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