' Judgment Day '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Hit with Your all-powerful fist, God Almighty
into the very middle of the ocean
May they know what caused Your anger
they who chose armies of evil against you

Pull the highest mountains of the world
and throw them with all Your strength, my God
at all those blasphemers who sneered at you
Their time came, paid with eternal blood 

Remove the ring of atmospheric safety
away from them, the bloodthirsty beasts
and let them be burnt at once, oh God Almighty
by the hellish fires from the Sun’s rays

Or just catch this planet into Your hands, my Lord 
this planet they mistreat, called their Earth
and throw it into the far expanses of the Universe
as Your unwanted child, unworthy of thy light

Perhaps before you do it all, God Almighty
you give them the last chance, really last one
You ignite all the good things in them 
and let them know that’s their final chance

‘ Judgment Day ‘ by Thaddeus Hutyra 
© Thaddeus Hutyra 03/02/2015
All Rights Reserved

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