' The Power of Love '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


When I am happy, beaming with joy
my heart is home to sunshine
Celestial harps and violins
playing symphonic melodies
on the strings of the Sun’s rays

When I am happy, beaming with joy
my heart is home to starlight
from all the stars on the nightly skies
We’re dancing among the stars
while in the warmth of our heart

When I am happy, beaming with joy
my heart is home to our love
scintillating one, twinkling and glittering
clanging, jingling, rattling, ringing
like all the bells in our global village

When I am happy, beaming with joy
my heart is home to our lives
transformed in the twinkling of an eye
to a spectacular dawn of galaxy
a final symphony of all the stars

When I am happy, beaming with joy
my heart is home to you and me
Holding each other in our arms
kissing feverishly, on fires of pleasure
We’re one and only one, the rebel heart

‘ The Power of Love ‘ by Thaddeus Hutyra 
© Thaddeus Hutyra 28/01/2015
All Rights Reserved

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