' China Rush '
by Thaddeus Hutyra



Welcome to the galaxy 
of the China rush
Money, money, money
day and night

Forget culture, arts
focus yourself 
on business activities
think money and only money

Business day lasts 
till the very midnight
noise is accepted feature
all the clock around

Success is a lucky star
hanging on all corners of life
Money, money, money
is what brings happiness

Electronics, iphones 
surveillance cameras, whatever else
are packed into freight containers
and sent worldwide

Chinese mind is the home
of bizarre ideas
Nothing world desires
can’t be made in China

One feels one is walking
on endless fields of money
what sounds like a rustle of leaves
climaxing to Chinese Woodstock

Welcome to the galaxy
of the China rush
Money, money, money
day and night ….


' China Rush ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra
All Rights Reserved


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