' North meets South '
by Thaddeus Hutyra



North meets South, South meets North
Never have there been greater divide
than between the North and the South
millennia long bloodshed, Wrath of God

Although Persian Cyrus the Great
was the first ever historical monarch
who had constituted the Bill of Rights 
devilish demons threw it later into abyss

Islamic tyrannies spread like cancerous cells
in much of the South, with apocalyptic terror
cutting heads off, hanging innocents
crucifying Christians, mistreating minorities

Chain and shackles in the name of God
No women rights, neither children rights
murdered gays and raped lesbians 
ruthless treatments of political opponents

Not much better in the other South
Brazilian street kids ruthlessly shot dead
by the trigger happy, criminal cops
The same in Mexico, mafia and terror

North meets South, South meets North
One promotes freedoms and the rule of law
and the other one only the tyrannic rule
North and South, two brothers, Abel and Cain

As in the divide between West and East
so in the divide between North and South
there is a golden prescription to all in need
make sure freedoms are unstoppable train

' North meets South ' by Thaddeus Hutyra 
© Thaddeus Hutyra 10/12/2014
All Rights Reserved

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