' I won't back down ! '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Music of the Phantom's Opera
beams at me with starry flames
as if I found myself
at the very centre of the Sun
They tell me I am theirs
and whatever I do belongs to them
Perhaps a man and a pretty woman
are two halves which form a whole cake
but in my view nothing is a ' must '
and everything should be
just a choice out of a free spirit
and one's inner desires
It's up to me and the loved one
to decide we're a whole entity
not to anybody else
I am nobody's half
neither a half to anybody
No priests, I am not yours
I won't back down !!

Perhaps a night and a day
are two halves as well
contemplating each other
Perhaps an ocean and a continent
are like a brother
and his angelic sister
narrating to each other
a thousand and one stories
Perhaps Earth and the Sun
are the whole body
in the cosmic Universe
Yet it all still doesn't mean
I must give up my identity
to whatever notion
desired by others
No, philosophers, I am not yours
I won't back down !!

Leave me in peace, please
I am not your half
neither a half
belonging to anyone else
I won't back down
even if you try to chain me
and drop me
into some cosmic black hole
I won't back down
even if you'll have
all the armies of the Universe
against me, an individual
I won't back down
even if you crucify me
as Jesus Christ was crucified
on the Golan Highs
No, all the powerful of this world
I am not yours
I won't back down !!


' I won't back down ! ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra
Thaddeus Hutyra. © 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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